My writer’s workshop is one of the more successful parts of my classroom, but it also took me a while to get it implemented. I had no idea how to set up a writer’s workshop with students who were non-writers. I also did not know how to make it meaningful for my students who needed more of a challenge.
I made it my mission to get writer’s workshop started this year, and I have been so pleased with how it has been running in my classroom! I have 4 tips below to help you get started.
Make It a Whole Group Center
This is my favorite time of day to have my whole class working together. When you have a huge range of needs, it can be hard to get everyone working on the same content area at the same time. Writer’s workshop is an area that allows that. My highest functioning student might be polishing off his essay on Zebras while my lowest functioning student is tracing the alphabet. They are both working on writing according to their individual needs and it allows my own classroom to have more of an inclusive feel.
Have Different Options
Writing is not always pencil to paper, forming words. Writing can be using picture supports to craft a sentence. Writing can be using tracing supports to learn how to create basic shapes. Once you start thinking about writing as a means to communicate a message, you can get more creative with your writing options. This will allow students with various needs get involved in writing. See the bottom of this post with pictures and links to my favorite products to use for writer’s workshop.
Use Word Tiles to Get Students Started
This is my favorite fast way to get a writing center started for students who are able to write sentences but struggle to generate ideas. One night, I impulsively bought word tiles on Amazon. 2 days later they arrived at my school. I had each of my students pull one-word title out of the tub. They had to use the word they drew in a sentence. My students quickly understood how to complete this task and loved doing it. In fact, some of them would start doing it during a break. It took no prep on my end and quickly got my students writing.
Use Products in Unique Ways
You do not have to use every TPT product the way the designer intended for it to be used. You know your class and what is best for them. My example is the Word Work Cards from Just A Primary Girl. Simpler to the word titles above, my students have to use all of the words that appear on a word work card to write sentences. It is not the way she uses it in her classroom but it works for us.
Don’t be afraid to start a writing center. With the right supports, all students can access in their own way!
Phonics Based Writing Journals from Teaching is a Royal Adventure

Paragraph Writing Journal from You-Aut-A-Know

Prewriting Skills from 3 Dinosaurs

Word Work Task Cards from Just a Primary Girl

Tracing Centers from Me!

Sentence Writing with Visuals from School Bells N Whistles

Friendship Journal from Breezy Special Ed

Graphic Organizer Journals from me!

3 Levels of Writers from me! These come included in the weekly packs!

Season Themed Writing Journal from Tools for Busy Hands

Fine Motor Book from Autism Educators