For lack of a better term, I call this my Class Expectations corner. I store my Whole Body Listening here, as well as a related service schedule and a shrine to Steph from Mrs. D’s Corner. Kidding about that one, although I did make 2 purchases at IKEA just to store materials from her store. More on that below!
I was never one for decor or bulletin boards, until I found Michaela’s Whole Body Listening set last year. It was a complete game changer in my room last year. I didn’t have a bulletin board space for the set this year, so I dedicated a part of my whiteboard to it. You can grab this amazing set in her store.
I did dedicate a small part of the whiteboard to a simple related service schedule. My speech therapist Emily will tell you that my most common phrase is “Oh, who are you here for?” I never know! I have 8 students getting OT and Speech, sometimes up to 3 times a week. It’s a lot to keep track of! I bought these magnetic borders from Amazon and make a simple schedule. I have all of the kid’s initials and service time written. That way we always know who is coming when.
This is my mini shrine to Stephanie over at Mrs. D’s Corner. I bought this cabinet from IKEA to store her adapted work binders (AWB). I can’t find that exact cabinet, but this is a good alternative! That would be because I own 16 (yes 16!) different AWB titles. With the exception of the magazine holders, this will be filled with AWBs. The two containers are holding some pre-cut pieces waiting for the binders to be complete. This cabinet is mainly empty because I am in the process of re-doing the binders. I had connected them with coils but I didn’t like the way it sat, so I got a ton of binders from a yard sale site. I am slowly transferring the binders over.
I have a second Trofast, also just for her materials. Again, each student has a bin. I can put the AWB that I want them to use that day in their drawer so they can find it easily. The ones not in use will be stored in the cabinet. You all read this right. I made two separate IKEA purchases just to hold her AWBs. That is how much I believe in the product. At the end of the post I will link all of the binders I used, sorted by the levels in my classroom.
I have 3 magazine file folders that hold some materials from some other amazing authors and from Amazon. I love the “What’s Bugging You” series from The Autism Helper and the Let’s Count books from Teaching Special Thinkers. Tools for Busy Hands has awesome interactive Count to Add books and the bottom left is a simple color activity from School Bells N Whistles.
I keep the tracing books from my weekly packs in this set. This is great to have on hand for my pre-writers. I also have some materials from Irish Rose Place. This seller does not get enough love, and the materials are amazing. Check out the Math and Language Arts bundles. There are so many themes to choose from. I have the winter, beach and bug themes. The bug color book is for my bug-obsessed student and comes from Little Miss Kim, and is no longer available on TPT.
This last magazine holder holds some workbooks. I love the dry erase books from the Target Dollar Spot. I also love these workbooks from School Zone brand on Amazon. I have the Pre-K skills, 1st grade math, 2nd grade math and 4th grade math.
Below are some basic descriptions of my 3 levels of learners and which AWB from Mrs. D’s Corner I use with each:
Level 1 are my lowest learners. These are mostly non-verbal, pre-writing students. They use these AWBs from Steph:
Level 2 are my mid-range learners. These learners can communicate, write and complete basic academic skills. They use these AWBs from Steph:
Level 3 are my highest functioning learners. These learners are on a rough first/second grade level. They use these AWBs from Steph:
If you have not tried her AWBs yet, she has 3 freebies! They are all linked below.
Come back tomorrow to see our recess/break area!
Love it!!! Do they do the workbooks like for morning work? And are they doing them independently or is this like 1:1 time?
We do them in small groups! I have anywhere from 2-6 students and 1-2 staff at the table during adapted work binder times. I try and mix it up. If student A has a particularly tough binder that day, I might give student B a binder with more mastered tasks. I rotate the binders a lot so all of the students get a mix of challenging and mastered binders. I hope that makes sense!
Yes it does!! Thank you ☺️ Great tips!
LOL your shrine makes me laugh… is it okay for me to have a shrine to myself and the AWBs in my own classroom? 😉
Haha of course!! Seriously this corner is dedicated to you haha!!